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제 13 호 NO-KIDS Zone, a Distinction or Discrimination?

  • 작성일 2022-03-01
  • 좋아요 Like 1
  • 조회수 19925


NO-KIDS Zone, a Distinction or Discrimination?

By Sol-Hyang Park, Editor-in-chief


  No Kids zone literally means to restrict access to infants, children, or customers with them. We can mainly find it in restaurants or cafes. According to the No kids zone map, there are at least 400 no kids zones as of November 2021, and the number is increasing. No kids zone - Is it just a distinction or discrimination? – There are various views on this point.

Opinions of Supporters

  Firstly, let's look at the perspective of supporters. Many stores are declaring a no-kids zone, for the reason that children are usually noisy and cause a lot of accidents, so they want to enjoy the store only among adults. The fundamental problem is that the parents of these children act egocentrically, such as leaving defecated diapers on the table in cafes or neglecting their children crying, running around or making a fuss. Therefore, store owners come to prefer a no-kids zone to avoid and minimize factors that hinder their comfort, since they are obligated to provide a not-annoying, pleasant space for other customers. 

There is also an opinion that if accidents occur by children, the store owners are likely to hold relatively much responsibility - so store owners block the possibility of accidents at all and had better at least not suffer damage. In addition, setting No-kids zone is not legally regulated. Therefore, it is a matter of business freedom, and they believe it is an appropriate measure for the convenience of customers and the benefit of stores. 

Opinions of Opponents

  Then, what about the opposite view? The most representative reason is that it discriminates against specific customers, infringing on basic rights. Public etiquette that should not harm others is what everyone should keep, not just some people specified. However, it is discrimination against children to put an age limit based on the judgment that all children of that age will harm others. Thus, there are growing concerns that No Kids zone will instill the perception that children are not members of our society and the discrimination culture can spread naturally. Opponents believe that even if there are children who make a fuss, most parents will not let them cause trouble and that there are more people who do not than selfish parents.

In addition, in terms of learning, they believe that the No Kids zone blocks all the lessons that society can give to children in advance. No one keeps public etiquette from birth, we communicate with society in public places and learn it. In this sense, No Kids zone is a selfish choice to take away opportunities from children to learn from society.
Some also say that as the No Kids zones expand, if the society reluctance to children spreads, it will worsen the low birth rate problem of Korea.

  What would be the real reaction? In a survey on No Kids Zones, 70% of the respondents said, "No Kids Zones can be allowed considering the freedom of owners and consideration for other customers." (1,000 men and women aged 18 or older, 21/11/12-15, Korean Research) Besides, searching various surveys, when looking up various surveys on the Internet, there were many cases where the approval rate was high. However, some people continue to speak out for children's human rights.As such, discussions on "No Kids Zones" will continue. What do you think?

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